Bus Application

G.A.D. Bus Code of Conduct

Please read and review the bus code of conduct information below.

Complete the bus application below by July 31, 2025. One application per family needs to be completed for all
students in the family that will be riding the bus (current and new students, including all siblings that will be registered
for the 2025-2026 year.)

If you require bus service or changes to your bus services for the current school year, please see the office staff to
arrange or make changes.

Payments will be due before 10th of each month starting in September.

*note: a late charge of $25 will be applied if payment is received after the specified date.

Guru Angad Dev Elementary School bus service is a privilege provided to students; home to school transportation is not a right. In order to make the riding experience safe for all, there are rules that all students must follow while under the supervision of the school bus driver. If students are unable to follow the rules of safe school bus riding, students may be denied the privilege of riding the school bus. Please discuss the following bus conduct and safety rules with your child to ensure the safety of those who ride the bus. Remember disobedient conduct on the bus is a risk to its safe operation.

Bus Safety Rules to be followed:

The school day begins at the designated school bus pickup and the school day ends after school at the designated school bus drop off.

1. Be Responsible

1.  Be ready and on time for your pick up
2. Keep your hands, feet and property to yourself
3. Save food and drink for home or school (water is acceptable)
4. Treat the property of the school bus in a responsible manner (keep the bus clean)

2. Be Respectful

1. Greet the bus driver
2. Follow directions of the Bus Driver
3. Use appropriate language (no swearing/foul language)
4. Talk quietly so that the driver can focus on the road
5. Respect other students and their property
6. Absolutely no electronic devices; no loud music, taking pictures or recording video while on the bus

3. Be Safe

1. Stay in your assigned seat, facing the front with legs facing forward until the bus comes to a complete stop
2. Keep the aisle clear and use only when entering or exiting the bus
3. Keep your personal items on your lap, in between your feet, or on the seat
4. Keep your hands and head inside the bus
5. Do not stand or move around while the bus is moving
6. Do not stick or throw anything out of the window
7. Always cross in front of the bus


Disciplinary Protocols for Improper Behavior on School Bus:

  1st Notice - Verbal Warning: Student warned, reminded of rules, assigned seat near front, and parents called.

 2nd Notice - Written Warning: If misconduct continues, parents called and driver reports the student and incident to the office and student meets with Administrator.

  3rd Notice - Administrator Action - Bus Canceled: If verbal and written warnings fail, student’s parents are called for a meeting with the Administrator and school bus will be canceled and student disciplinary action will be taken. *Examples of misconduct include; chronic disruptive behavior and disorderly conduct; fighting and assault (physical/verbal) on other students.*

Bus Fees:

One Way Service 

First Child 

Second Child 

Third Child




Two Way Service 

First Child 

Second Child 

Third Child

$ 90

$ 75

$ 65

*note: Bus fees are charged on a monthly basis and are not related to the number of days in a given month. The bus fee is due in the first week of every month. One month's notice is required if you want to start or stop bus service for your child(ren). 

A cost of $2.00 will be added to each payment made by credit card.

Please Read and Sign: 

I have read and discussed both the code of conduct and Discipline policy for riding the G.A.D. Elementary School bus. My child(ren) and I agree with the expectations and we understand the consequences of non-compliance.


Parent 1 & service detail
Parent 2 detail
Contact detail
Student 1 detail
Student 2 detail
Student 3 detail